Mental load of layoffs: How to keep calm & carry on

Being a psycho-social stressor, a sudden event like a layoff might even trigger an anxiety disorder, depression, or insomnia, while also making you restless, irritable, upset, and sometimes angry. It can also impact your sleep and diet, which can further worsen your mental health.

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And a Happy New Year

And a Happy New Year!

Celebrating New Year’s Day with the biggest bash is only the 2nd trendiest thing one can do. (Creating a 2022 wrap-up reel is obviously the winner). But is it really necessary that it would be for everyone. For a lot of people it might be just another day.

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Mental Health Emergency Evacuation for Seafarers

Mental Health Emergency Evacuation for Seafarers

Shipping jobs or working at sea has been classified as one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, individuals working onboard face challenges on day-to-day basis and staying away from civilisation for days and weeks create more concerns on mental wellbeing of seafarers.

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First job and its Highs & Lows

A first job during school has many helpful byproducts beyond self-confidence. For example, teens’ communication skills usually grow exponentially. They must learn how to navigate their first job interview, interact with customers and colleagues effectively, and respect authority while also expressing disagreements with tact.

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Preventing suicides at workplace

Changes in work performance, attendance, and withdrawal from colleagues and refusing plans might also be worthy of addressing. Particular attention should be paid to people who are losing their jobs.

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Choose the right career for you.

Choose the right career for you

Indian youth suffer immensely from choosing the wrong career path. Which has a hoard of negative impacts ranging from a lack of academic drive, and poor performance to severe mental health problems like anxiety, stress, and depression. All of this culminates in the individual having low life satisfaction that further affects their personal life and hinders their flourishment.

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